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Thomas Swann

My name is Thomas. My family members call me Josh or Joshua. In my free time I like to play hand to hand fighting games. I like some adventure games like Wings, Battleships and Need for Speed. I also like doing karate! English and History are two of my favorite school subjects. I like sport cars and classy cars. I am nice and like doing stuff. I help people. I enjoy playing the sax.

Photo Shoot

In the recording studio

Concert - Olney, MD

I got my sax!(Photo taken by Gazette newspaper)


During Jazz Appreciation Month, April 2023, The Swanns released their 25th anniversary album - (Breakthrough - The Album). The Swanns music is available on many streaming and download platforms all over the world; the UK, Japan, France, Sweden, Germany, Africa, Australia, New Zealand and many others.

P.S. All you fans take care!