Harvey Swann Sr. - a musician for most of his life; a pianist, trombonist, and bass player. Born in Charles County Maryland. Grew up playing the trombine and the keyboard. Began writing and arranging music at age 13. Has performed before thousands during lifetime. The Kids - talented, seasoned, musicians who are phenomenal at their craft. Their experience includes the following:
•  Appearance on Cable TV
•  Interviewed on the radio
•  Performances on many stages
•  Providing soothing music at black-tie affairs
•  Performance in box office concert

The Swanns , a first-class operation as is displayed in their on-stage presence as well as their sound. They play original music; music composed by Harvey Swann, Sr. They have performed on many stages; providing music for the audience listening pleasure. They have also provided music for private black-tie affairs, etc. Whether performing on stage or your private event, their smooth sounds will complement your event. Experience them in concert!!!!! A treat for the entire family!!!!!

To hire The Swanns
(Please e-mail theswanns@Le-swanns.com for an individual quote)

In addition to the performance cost, The Swanns may require an additional $400/day for travel and lodging.